Attribute Name | Description |
CVE_EDO | None |
cve_mun | None |
p_mf | None |
p_mb | None |
p_ma | None |
p_maz | None |
p_sup_sem | None |
id_ac | None |
id | None |
Resumen no disponible
2020-01-24 19:41:38.211657
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Contacto registrado
POLYGON((-117.124185957809 14.532098479019,-117.124185957809 32.6820568472062,-86.8294914567113 32.6820568472062,-86.8294914567113 14.532098479019,-117.124185957809 14.532098479019))
Attribute Name | Description |
CVE_EDO | None |
cve_mun | None |
p_mf | None |
p_mb | None |
p_ma | None |
p_maz | None |
p_sup_sem | None |
id_ac | None |
id | None |
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