Attribute Name | Description |
pobreza_ex | None |
pobreza_mo | None |
pobreza | None |
pob_total | None |
g_rezago | None |
g_marginac | None |
cve_mun | None |
id | None |
Resumen no disponible
2019-05-20 23:13:23.340276
No se provee información
Contacto registrado
POLYGON((-118.40764955 14.5320983699991,-118.40764955 32.7186535699996,-86.71040528 32.7186535699996,-86.71040528 14.5320983699991,-118.40764955 14.5320983699991))
Attribute Name | Description |
pobreza_ex | None |
pobreza_mo | None |
pobreza | None |
pob_total | None |
g_rezago | None |
g_marginac | None |
cve_mun | None |
id | None |
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