Attribute Name | Description |
CveAgebs | None |
CVE_AGEB | None |
CVE_MUN | None |
CVE_ENT | None |
fid | None |
Resumen no disponible
2019-01-21 10:57:54.793167
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POLYGON((-102.184351179701 14.5320983701145,-102.184351179701 22.5859514892552,-86.7104052798835 22.5859514892552,-86.7104052798835 14.5320983701145,-102.184351179701 14.5320983701145))
Attribute Name | Description |
CveAgebs | None |
CVE_AGEB | None |
CVE_MUN | None |
CVE_ENT | None |
fid | None |
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