Attribute Name | Description |
AC_Tot | None |
T_TENEN | None |
CVE_AC | None |
CVE_AGEB | None |
CVE_MUN | None |
CVE_ENT | None |
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2019-01-21 10:56:24.908938
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Contacto registrado
POLYGON((-92.3263000349975 19.5511740378536,-92.3263000349975 22.6138000772587,-87.5331452773633 22.6138000772587,-87.5331452773633 19.5511740378536,-92.3263000349975 19.5511740378536))
Attribute Name | Description |
AC_Tot | None |
T_TENEN | None |
CVE_AC | None |
CVE_AGEB | None |
CVE_MUN | None |
CVE_ENT | None |
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